Things I have and love.
From the creator of my favourite horror classic.
Huge steaks at good value.
Cook in just seconds.
Go behind the scenes with Hiroki Nakamura.
Dishes that are beautiful to eat.
A compilation of the best Japanese dances.
Japanese street dance and music group shows London their moves.
Their latest sensational video has lots of umbrellas-wielding Japanese schoolgirls.
Finger-typing good.
Sushi Master Naomichi Yasuda teaches you the right way.
Chopsticks that don’t just fit your hands.
The face of endless possibilities.
Food that moves.
You won’t find these in a dictionary.
Your hyper-realistic object of affection.
Everything you love about it.
Showing Kyoto through Leica.
Beautifully handmade parquetry.
Highest rated anime of Spring 2014.
Dazzling skills, the samurai way.
The pride of Singapore.
Are you one of them?
And it’s awesome.
Japan’s going bananas for these Fraps.
Ultimate unison of price and taste.
How the Japanese reuse tissue boxes
See an archive of a classic.
Your favourite cat is a slut.
Watch master fencers fight 50 opponents at once.