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Searching the Lonely Planet Guide for the iPhone, the Lion Beer Hall is one of the few drinking places in Ginza. The drinking hole was not hard to find at all with it being on the main street of Ginza.
And let’s put it this way. If this place is in Singapore, I would go there daily, disregarding the fact that they serve me overpriced beers. Cute waitresses in even cuter German beer maiden’s outfits, serve the tasty, foamy Sapporo to you. I’ve read that the place is known to break into German song and dance, and I highly anticipate the day I can witness it. Although you can get Sapporo just about anywhere in Japan, it’s just not quite the same as having in the Lion Beer Hall.
There’s even a wide range of German munchies you can order to make your tasty beer even tastier. Arriving at 10 that night, I decided that I could do without the extra calories and gave the food a miss, very much tempted. When I do try the food, I will be sure to update this post. One drawback of this fine establishment, is that it closes at 1030 pm, a little to early for most’s liking.