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I was one of the backers of Flint and Tinder 10-year hoodie campaign. Now, after four years of constant abuse, my hoodie is nearly at the end of its life and I felt it was time I could write a review about it. I know it didn't hit the advertised ten years and I will explain why later on.

Why I got it?
I have always been (and still am) in search of the perfect black hoodie. Something I can wear in all seasons, especially in the brutal air-conditioning of offices in Singapore. When I saw the campaign, I was immediately drawn in by their 10 year guarantee. I believe everyone who backed that campaign were suckered into getting it because they believed, like me, they would be able to use it for the next 10 years, and the value was amazing considering that. At that time, I was active in /r/buyitforlife, saw the beautiful campaign video, was in search of a hoodie. So, all of these stars aligned for me to make the purchase.

If you are reading this as research because you are thinking to get one, and the above reason is the main reason you have for buying it, I would suggest you read the rest of the article before deciding.
When I first got it, I was infatuated with it. It was my first proper hoodie, since the need for one in Singapore was rare. I especially loved the fit. I got a Medium and it has since been my template for buying new sweaters. For reference, I wear a large in Supreme hoodies and this feels larger than those, but yet not too big that you can't layer on top of it. I especially like that its hood is large and covers my head just the amount I like. Any headwear will fit comfortably under. Same goes for the size of the front pockets, it's perfect for my big hands to rest comfortably in.

For reference, I am 85kg and 182cm in the photos of this post. And overall, this fit made it very comfortable to wear and I sometimes even wear it to sleep.
I didn't have any problems with the design when I first got it. But after getting into minimalism, I was a little bugged by a few details. The white lining on the inside seemed unnecessary to me. There is also visible outer stitches that connect the sleeves to the body of the hoodie. It looks and feels thick and goes from your shoulder down into your pits. Some might like it, but if you are looking for a “minimal” hoodie, there are other better options in terms of design.
When I purchased it from the campaign, it was made from 100% cotton, while they currently sell a version that is 70% cotton and 30% polyester. Although I would say it is made with thicker cotton, the durability of the material itself is the same as any other. Four years after frequent wear, the cotton, especially the drawstrings, has faded to an obvious off-black and small holes are appearing and elastic cuff have stretched to the point they are hanging.

While the fabric itself has its limitations, I would say the stitching are as solid as marketed. All stress seams are reinforced with a mock safety stitch, so after four years with constant wear, I have not had a problem with stitches coming undone.
10 Year Guaranteed
Even with the ten year guarantee still in effect, their offers only extends to tears that can be stitched back. So, while I haven't enquired, I am sure that they won't be dying my hoodie back to the original black or replacing my cuff. Even if they did, as an international customer, I would have to cover two ways shipping and from Japan, that will likely be able to cover the cost of a new hoodie.
Unfortunately, I can't say definitively that you should or should not get it. I didn't regret getting one, but I won't get another. But I would say don't let the draw of a ten year guarantee be the only reason to get one.
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