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thai (1 of 1)When I came to Bangkok, I expected to eat roadside stalls that cost next to nothing, all the time. However, in my search for Bangkok's best Thai noodles, I found myself in a fancy restaurant in a plaza lined right next to high-end tailors and high street fashion brands. While it's a beautiful place, I was just glad to be out of the scorching sun.

Just by looking at their menu, one item compels you to order it. I immediately pointed out the Provence Boat Noodles with Special Meat. You could choose from 3 different type of noodles. While I could understand one of the type to be kuay teow, I had to awkwardly say I wanted the thin kinda noodles because I didn't understand what the other two types meant.

At 240 baht, I had high expectations for the noodles. Despite the small portion, the noodles was tasty and the combination with the tender meat was heavenly. The best part of the dish has got to be the broth, sweet and slightly sour, and not forgetting the tangy spiciness that Thai dishes traditionally have. I finished every last drop. To be honest, this is my first and only Thai noodle I had on my trip, but I'm pretty sure this is the best. That's how good I think it is. Leave a comment if you know a place that will bust my judgement. I'll be sure to check it out.

Tagged bangkok noodles