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The A.P.C. Butler Jeans

In the days of high nobility, aristocrats would request their butlers to frolic in their new clothing for a period of time in order to break it in. Its only befitting that A.P.C. calls their “refurbished” jeans that when they launched the Butler Jeans program in 2010. A.P.C. buys back, wash, repair and sell jeans with the initials of the former owner, in order to sell jeans that are broken-in authentically.

This targets two group of people, one who prefer their denim to stay dark rather than broken-in can trade in their old pair, and those who like their denim faded, can enjoy the authentic ready fades.

I personally can't see myself buying into such an monstrosity of the denimhead culture, where creating personalized fades is the point, but it has become a hit in the US and Europe, which caused the French label to introduce the line in Japan. I guess the butler jeans will appeal mainly to people who enjoy the charm of a second-hand or vintage item, allowing them to bask in the history of one's garment.

The Process

Tagged apc denim raw jeans